写真を始めた頃に撮った写真です。父に貰ったpentaxのSLという露出計も付いていないフィルムカメラに、28mmのレンズを付けて撮りました。どんな写真機材でも良い写真は撮れます。情報に操られて本質を忘れないようにいきます。いつかまたロンドンに戻って、今度は個展をしたいです。Pentax SL Asahi takumar 28mm/フィルム tri-x400
I took this photo when I started to study photography in London. The photo was taken by pentax SL which was given from my father. It`s does`t matter which camera we use for making a great photography really. I wanna not to controlled by too many information just damped every sec. One day, I wanna go to London to have my solo exhibition.
Pentax SL Asahi takumar 28mm/ Film-tri-x400